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Transmission Trouble
Oil Changes
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Dealer Extended Warranty vs. Direct Purchase Warranty
Understanding "Bumper-to-Bumper" and Exclusionary Warranties
Wear-and-Tear Coverage
Likely Problems as Cars Age
New Cars and Extended Warranties
Buying A New Car
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Considering Car Weight
Mechanical Checks for Used Cars
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New Car Insurance Costs
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Timing Your Purchase
Retiring Your Existing Car
Custom Sound Systems
Sound System Head Units
Understanding Speaker Components
Car Dealerships
Customer Incentives Vs. Dealer Incentives
The Truth About Dealer Certified Pre-owned (CPO) Programs
Warranty Coverages Outperform Certified Vehicles
The Basics of Car Dealership Lingo
Taking the Risk out of Dealer Certification Programs
Tips on Dealer Incentives
Consumer Comforts of Manufacturer-Certified Vehicles
Car History
Checking Up on a Used Car's History
Certified Vehicles Don't Always Tell a Car's History
Tips on Buying a Car with Confidence
Certified Vehicles Still Call for a Car's History
A Car's History May Dispel an Interesting Story
The Odometer Misnomer
Some Cars Survived a Natural Disaster
Car Maintenance
Car Maintenance Tips
Washing Your Car
Washing Your Car
Waxing Your Car
Air Filters
Fuel Filters
Fuel Injectors
Understanding Octane
Replacement Parts
Do-It-Yourself Preventive Maintenance
Spotting Trouble
Brake Fluid
Coolant Levels
Windshield Wiper Blades
Preventing Frozen Locks and Doors
New Car
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Car Comparison Tools
New Car Reviews
Test Drive Checklist
Be Strong! Don't Buy Under Pressure
Consumer Report Car Reviews
Shrewd New Car Deal Negotiations
Add-on Pitfalls to Avoid on a New Car Deal
Tips to Buying a New Car or Leasing
New Car Deals Don't Mean -- Paying for Everything
Comparing the Costs of Buying a New Car and Car Leasing
New Car Buying Alternative: The Certified Pre-owned Vehicles
Nine Ways to Buy a New Car
The Monroney Window Sticker and Your New Car
New Car Dealers
Trade-in Allowance Savvy
New Car Dealer Directories
Online Car Shopping
Dealer Reputation
Car Buying Web Site Reviews
New Car Prices
Car Price Negotiations
Negotiating Trade-in Allowance
Researching New Car Prices
Online Car Quotes
AAA New Car Discount Program
Haggling on Price
Give and Take in Car Deals
Online Car Buying
Best Online Car Selector Tool
Online Car buying Web sites vs. Local Car Dealership
Used Car Recalls
Insider on Buying from Online Car Dealers
12 States Outlaw Online Car Buying
Auto Websites Differences: Brokers Vs. Comparative
Online Car Dealers Haggling Finesse
The Drawbacks of Building Your Car Online
Trade In
How Dealers Rate Trade-Ins
How Dealers Calculate the Value of the Trade In
A Trade-In To-Do-List
Maximizing the Value of Your Trade In
Calculate Your Car's Trade in Value
The Downside of Private Sells vs. Vehicle Trade-ins
Smart Tips to Calculate Trade-In Values
Used Car Dealers
Trouble Signs to Watch Out For
Used Car Reviews & Resources
Good Times for Used Car Market
About Certified Preowned Cars
Automobile Recalls
Used Car Finder
Online Car Finder Services
Privacy Issues
Classified Ads
Interpreting Used Car Ads
Car Reviews in Print
Used Car Prices
Used Car Value
NADA Used Car Price Guide
Factors Affecting Used Car Pricing
Government Auto Auctions
Best Used Cars by Price Range
Online Price Guides
Used Car Values
Factors Affecting Used Car Value
Resale Value Considerations
Kelley Blue Book
Negotiating Price vs. Trade-in Allowance
Maximizing Trade-in Value
Used Cars
Benefits of Buying Used
When to Walk Away
Availability of Used Cars
Selling Your Car Yourself
Car Owner Satisfaction Ratings
Used Cars to Avoid
Free Advice on Buying the Best Used Car
Safety Equipment
Impact of Depreciation
Best Used Cars for Teens
Best Time to Buy Used Cars
Vehicle History
Vehicle History Reports
How to Avoid Buying a Previously Damaged Car
The importance of Vehicle ID Numbers
Benefits of Car History Reports
A Tool to Prevent a Poor Choice
VMR International
How Your Car Can Sell Itself
What a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Says About a Car's Past
The Basics on Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)
VIN Decoders May Prevent Used Car Fraud
Decoding the 17-Digit Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)
Why Consumers Should Run a VIN Search
An Affordable Alternative to the Certified Pre-owned Vehicle program
VIN Decoders Omit Certain Car History Details
Car Buying Newsletter Archive
The Monroney Window Sticker and Your New Car
New Car Buying Alternative: The Certified Pre-owned Vehicles
Decoding the 17-Digit Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)
VIN Decoders May Prevent Used Car Fraud
What a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Says About a Car's Past
A Car's History May Dispel an Interesting Story
Certified Vehicles Still Call for a Car's History
Certified Vehicles Don't Always Tell a Car's History
Checking Up on a Used Car's History
Tips on Dealer Incentives
Taking the Risk out of Dealer Certification Programs
Warranty Coverages Outperform Certified Vehicles
The Truth About Dealer Certified Pre-owned (CPO) Programs
Online Car Dealers Haggling Finesse
12 States Outlaw Online Car Buying
Smart Tips to Calculate Trade-In Values
The Downside of Private Sells vs. Vehicle Trade-ins
A Trade-In To-Do-List
Dealer Extended Warranty vs. Direct Purchase Warranty
Extended Warranties
Likely Problems as Cars Age
New Cars and Extended Warranties
Oil Changes
Qualifying for an Extended Warranty
Transmission Trouble
Understanding "Bumper-to-Bumper" and Exclusionary Warranties
Wear-and-Tear Coverage
What's Covered
Considering Car Weight
Custom Sound Systems
Dealer Incentives & Rebates
Free Car Buying Advice
Mechanical Checks for Used Cars
New Car Insurance Costs
Online Car Quotes
Retiring Your Existing Car
Sound System Head Units
Understanding Speaker Components
Ways to Lower Insurance Costs
Air Filters
Brake Fluid
Coolant Levels
Do-It-Yourself Preventive Maintenance
Fuel Filters
Fuel Injectors
Preventing Frozen Locks and Doors
Replacement Parts
Spotting Trouble
Understanding Octane
Washing Your Car
Washing Your Car
Waxing Your Car
Windshield Wiper Blades
Dealer Reputation
New Car Dealer Directories
Online Car Shopping
AAA New Car Discount Program
Car Price Negotiations
Give and Take in Car Deals
Haggling on Price
Negotiating Trade-in Allowance
Online Car Quotes
Researching New Car Prices
About Certified Preowned Cars
Automobile Recalls
Good Times for Used Car Market
Used Car Reviews & Resources
Interpreting Used Car Ads
Privacy Issues
Best Used Cars by Price Range
Factors Affecting Used Car Pricing
Government Auto Auctions
NADA Used Car Price Guide
Online Price Guides
Used Car Value
Factors Affecting Used Car Value
Kelley Blue Book
Resale Value Considerations
Availability of Used Cars
Benefits of Buying Used
Best Time to Buy Used Cars
Best Used Cars for Teens
Car Owner Satisfaction Ratings
Free Advice on Buying the Best Used Car
Safety Equipment
Selling Your Car Yourself
How to Avoid Buying a Previously Damaged Car
How Your Car Can Sell Itself
Vehicle History Reports
VMR International
Online Car Buying Resources
Impact of Depreciation
Used Cars to Avoid
When to Walk Away
Battery Problems
Maintaining Your Warranty
Trade-in Allowance Savvy
Car Buying Publications
Car Reviews in Print
Online Car Finder Services
A Tool to Prevent a Poor Choice
The importance of Vehicle ID Numbers
Negotiating Price vs. Trade-in Allowance
Some Cars Survived a Natural Disaster
Online Car buying Web sites vs. Local Car Dealership
How Dealers Rate Trade-Ins
Maximizing the Value of Your Trade In
Add-on Pitfalls to Avoid on a New Car Deal
Nine Ways to Buy a New Car
Comparing the Costs of Buying a New Car and Car Leasing
Tips to Buying a New Car or Leasing
Benefits of Car History Reports
Tips on Buying a Car with Confidence
The Odometer Misnomer
Trouble Signs to Watch Out For
VIN Decoders Omit Certain Car History Details
An Affordable Alternative to the Certified Pre-owned Vehicle program
The Basics on Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)
Car Buying Web Site Reviews
Consumer Comforts of Manufacturer-Certified Vehicles
Customer Incentives Vs. Dealer Incentives
Timing Your Purchase
Insider on Buying from Online Car Dealers
New Car Deals Don't Mean -- Paying for Everything
The Drawbacks of Building Your Car Online
Four Tips to Avoid Shaky Auto Financing
Gauging the Price of a Used Car Via Auto Financing
Used Car Recalls
Shrewd New Car Deal Negotiations
Classified Ads
Why Consumers Should Run a VIN Search
The Basics of Car Dealership Lingo
Car Buying and Auto Financing 101
Calculate Your Car's Trade in Value
How Dealers Calculate the Value of the Trade In
Auto Websites Differences: Brokers Vs. Comparative
Be Strong! Don't Buy Under Pressure
Best Online Car Selector Tool
Car Comparison Tools
Consumer Report Car Reviews
Cost of Ownership Tool
New Car Reviews
New or Used?
Understanding Cost of Ownership
Study Up for the Best Deal
Test Drive Checklist
Limits of Used Car Financing
Car Dealer Scams
Negotiating the Best Deal
Smart Car Warranty Shopping
Car Maintenance Tips
Tip: Maximizing Trade-in Value
Don`t Buy a Hurricane Damaged Car
Now`s the Time to Winterize!
Who You, a Car Guru?
Who You-A Guru?
Car Performance Tips
Car Performance Tips
Car-tips Newsletter, Issue 14: Car Performance Tips
Car-tips Newsletter, Issue 13: Car Performance Tips
Car-tips Newsletter Issue 12: Great Used Cars
Car-tips Newsletter, Issue 11: Great Used Cars
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 10, Great Used Cars
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 9, Great Used Cars
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 8, General Maintenance
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 7, General Maintenance
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 6, General Maintenance
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 5, General Maintenance
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 5, Great New Cars
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 4, Great New Cars
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 3, Great New Cars
Car-Tips Newsletter, Issue 2, Great New Cars
Car-tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Great New Cars
Car Buying Frequently Asked Questions
What is an extended warranty?
Are battery problems covered by my warranty?
Are transmission problems covered by my warranty?
If I miss an oil change, will my warranty be voided?
Do I need to do anything special to keep my warranty in force?
Does my car qualify for an extended warranty?
What is covered by an extended warranty?
How do I pick a good warranty company?
Should I buy the extended warranty from my dealer?
What is an exclusionary warranty?
What is wear-and-tear coverage?
What can I expect to go wrong as my car ages?
Why do I need an extended warranty for my new car?
What online car buying resources are available?
What are some good books about buying a car?
Does a car's weight make a difference to ownership costs?
Should I have my mechanic look at a used car I may buy?
Where can I find trustworthy advice on buying a new car?
How can I research dealer incentives and rebates?
What are the benefits of getting online car quotes?
Will my insurance go up if I get a new car?
Where can I find tips on how to reduce my auto insurance costs?
When is the best time to buy a car?
When should I start thinking about buying a new car?
What's involved in choosing a custom sound system?
What is a head unit?
What are the best speakers for my car?
What is a subwoofer?
What is a tweeter?
Where can I find resources for negotiating the best car deal?
How do I get the most money for my trade-in?
Where can I find information on new car pricing?
Where can I get online car quotes?
Where can I find new car discounts?
How much room does a dealer have to negotiate on price?
Could a lower interest rate affect my final new car price?
What is
How can I get the most for my trade-in?
Where can I find a list of new car dealers in my area?
Can I really do my car shopping completely online?
How do I know if a dealer has a good reputation?
Where can I find reviews of car buying Web sites?
What factors affect used car value?
Why should I consider resale value when buying a new car?
What is the Kelley Blue Book?
Why should I negotiate sales price separate from trade-in allowance?
What tips do you have for maximizing trade-in value?
What trouble signs should I look out for when test driving a used car?
Where can I find used car reviews and resources?
Is now a good time to buy a used car?
What is a certified preowned car?
Where can I find information on automobile recalls?
Where can I find reliable information on how to get my car ready for summer or winter driving?
How can I avoid scratching my car finish?
What products should I use to wash my car?
Should I wax my car?
How often should I change my air filter?
How often should I replace my fuel filter?
What does a fuel injector do?
What Octane gas should I use?
How do I know what parts I need to replace on my car as part of its routine maintenance?
What does a tune-up include?
Where can I find information on do-it-yourself automobile maintenance.
What can I do to keep my car running smoothly?
How often should my car's brake fluid be changed?
What does coolant do?
When should I change my car's wiper blades?
Is there any way to prevent frozen locks in the dead of winter?
Where can I get advice on the best car for my needs?
Should I buy a new or a used car?
Is there an easy way to compare different cars I am considering buying?
Where can I find car reviews online?
What should I check for when I take a car on a test drive?
Where can I find information on vehicle financing?
Where can I find reliable car reviews?
Where can I find advice on used car values and prices?
What is the NADA Used Car Price Guide?
What affects the price of used cars?
Where can I find information about government auto auctions?
What are the best cars in my price range?
What are some reliable online price guides?
Why should I buy a used car instead of a new one?
Is blue smoke a bad sign?
Are there any good used cars available?
How do I set a price for my used car?
Where can I find information on car owner satisfaction?
Are there specific used cars I should avoid?
Where can I find reliable, inexpensive information on buying the best car?
What types of safety equipment should I look for?
How does depreciation affect my car purchase?
What are the best used cars for teens?
When is the best time to buy a used car?
Should I order a vehicle history report?
How can I avoid buying a lemon?
What is a VIN?
Why should I buy a car history report?
How can a car history report help me?
Where can I research antique and vintage used cars?
Why should I get a car history report on the car I'm selling?
How do I find used cars online?
Why does the car finder service need my contact information?
Should I check the classifieds for a car?
How can I tell if a used car ad is worth following up?
What are the best sources for online car reviews?
How do dealer's rate trade ins?
How do dealers calculate the trade in value?
Are there any tips to buying a new car and selling my trade-in for a good price?
Are there any tips to maximizing my trade in?
How can I calculate my car's trade in value?
Is it better to do a vehicle trade-in or Private Sell?
What questions can I ask to help calculate my trade-in?
Are the same deals offered online car buying websites as my local car dealer?
I am getting ready to buy a used car online, how can I determine if the vehicle model has had a recall?
What steps are involved to buy a car online
Are there any laws regarding buying a car online?
I’m researching auto Website resources to buy a car online. What is the difference between a broker site and a comparative bidding site?
Can you provide any negotiating tips with online car dealers?
I would like to buy a car online; however, I would prefer to build my car. Can you recommend any online sites for buying a car?
What is the difference between a customer incentive opposed to a dealer incentive
Do car dealerships mark-up certified pre-owned (CPOs)?
I am buying a used vehicle from a car dealership. Should I purchase warranty coverage or a dealer’s certification?
During negotiations with car dealerships, should I ask for a dealer holdback or a dealer incentive?
If I buy a car from a car dealership, should I opt for a dealer-certification program?
How come the local car dealership will not offer me the same dealer incentives that I have seen on the Internet?
Are manufacturer-certified vehicles better programs than the ones offered by car dealerships?
What’s the best way to negotiate the price of a new car?
Are there any superfluous charges that I can negotiate in the purchase of a new car deal?
When is it best to lease a new car opposed to buy one?
Can I negotiate any of the options and prices of the window sticker?
How can I assess whether buying a new car or leasing one is more cost effective?
Can you offer any cost saving alternatives to buying a new car?
Are there any strategies to buying a new car?
On new cars, what does the information mean on window stickers?
Is it really the consumer’s responsibility to determine a car’s history?
Do certified vehicles tell a vehicle's entire car history?
How can I be confident in my used car purchase?
Do certified vehicles require a car history or background check?
What information can I expect to learn from a
Is it true digital odometer cannot be rolled back?
Why is flood damage included on the VIN report?
What information does a VIN decode
Where can I locate the VIN number?
How can I be sure a dealer is not misrepresenting information regarding a used car?
What do the 17-digit number on the VIN mean?
Why are VIN Searches Important?
Can you recommnend an affordable alternative to Certified Pre-owned (CPO) vehicle
What information is excluded from a VIN decoder?

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Lynda Moultry